
Thank you for supporting my channel. My name is William and I do intuitive tarot readings for all zodiac signs and twin flame collectives free on YouTube.

Tarot Television began as a calling after a decade of experiencing (living) the Dark Night of the Soul.

In 2019 the universe brought in a major tower moment which began many months of purging the darkness from within. The internal pain being released is indescribable yet the outcome evolved into an awakening  (remembering) of the Twin Flame journey.

There was never any interest in tarot reading prior to 2019 but the pull to learn was amplified every day after the tower fell. As the saying goes, In order to understand the light you must first live the dark.

Tarot has become a way of life and intuition leads the way. Join Tarot Television as we explore the cards through instinct, divine guidance and the visual footprint each card displays.

Thank you for watching and listening. Blessings to you and be kind to yourself.

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